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What is GPC Accreditation?


Accreditation is a formal process by which Ghana Psychology Council - GPC is mandated by law to assess and approve the training and practice of applied psychology in Ghana. Accreditation provides a formal process for ongoing evaluation and improvement of psychology and applied psychology programmes.


Why is GPC Accreditation Important?


GPC is the only body mandated by law (Part 5 of Act 857 of 2013) to assess and ensure the highest standards in the training and practice of applied psychology including counselling. 


GPC Accreditation sets professional and practice standard for all institutions running psychology programmes. This will enable all institutions to meet nationally endorsed standards in the training of practitioners. 









Our Accreditation with GPC


  • Counselor Prince & Associates Consult - CPAC - is a Mental Health and Counselling Consult accredited by Ghana Psychology Council - GPC.


  • The ‘Certificate in Counselling and Marriage Therapy’ Academic programme is accredited by the Ghana Psychology Council (GPC) to be used for Licensing as a Counsellor in Ghana.


  • This Counselor Prince & Associates Consult - CPAC (CPAC Counsellor Training Institute) - has been accredited by the Ghana Psychology Council (GPC) as a Counselling School or Institute to run the ‘Certificate in Counselling and Marriage Therapy’ Academic programme (which is used to LICENSE as a Counsellor in Ghana).



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Writing in Notepad

Ghana Psychology Council - GPC is an independent quality and standards organization, appointed as an external accreditation entity for the Psychology Profession in Ghana under the Health Professions Bodies Regulation Act 2013 (Act 857).


GPC develops and reviews accreditation standards for psychology programmes of study in Ghana.



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